Angelus nekretnine nude vam na prodaju stan u novogradnji:
Zagreb, Centar, Medulićeva. U samom srcu i najstrožem dijelu grada, odmah ispod predivnog, zelenog Rokovog perivoja. Udaljena 300m od tramvaja i 300m od osnovne škole, a 700m od Cvjetnog trga.
Rezidencija Medulićeva na moderan i elegantan način podsjeća na donjogradske aristrokratske stanove. Luksuzan dvosobni stan u novogradnji istočne orijentacije na prvom katu. Sastoji se odulaznog prostora, wc-a, kuhinje i dnevnog boravka, spavaćesobe i kupaonice. Neto površina stana je 58,52m². Sveukupna obračunskapovršina stana je 58,08m² Protupotresna zgrada vrhunske kvalitete gradnje. Sofisticiranje tehnologije grijanja, hlađena i kondicioniranja zraka vrhunskom švicarskom tehnologijom. Sustavi rasvjete, automatizacije upravljanja, nadzora i sigurnosti, zbrinjavanje otpada, kućne punionice električnih automobila i održavanja - zero carbon emission.
SUSTAV GRIJANJA, HLAĐENJA I PRIPREME POTROŠNE TOPLE VODE: priprema tople/hladne vode kao medija za grijanje/hlađenje te priprema tople, sanitarne vode vrši se pomoću dizalice topline zrak-voda za svaki stan posebno, kroz stropove, podove i prema potrebi zidove razvodi se sustav cijevi kroz koje struji, topla/hladna voda ovisno o režimu grijanja ili hlađenja – ZEHNDER Nestsystem, tako unutar prostora nema vidljivih termotehničkih elemenata poput, radijatora ili klima uređaja, grijanje/hlađenje ovim sustavom oponaša prirodne procese grijanja/hlađenja gdje se primarno zagrijavaju odnosno hlade predmeti u prostoru a ne okolni zrak, poput sunca zimi ili konobe ljeti gdje hladan kamen čini ugodnu klimu u prostoru ZEHNDER Radiant Conditioning System, vanjske jedinice sustava smještene su na zajedničkom krovu rezidencije, ispred velikih staklenih stijena u pod su ugrađeni ventilokonvektori integrirani u sustav koji pomažu u održavanju povoljne klime u kritičnim zonama, regulacija sustava za svaku prostoriju posebno putem zidnih upravljačkih panela ZEHNDER Control.
SUSTAV VENTILACIJE, REKUPERACIJE I ODVLAŽIVANJA ZRAKA: jedinstven ZEHNDER ComfoAir/ComfoDew centralni sustav rekuperacije s odvlaživanjem održava optimalnu vlagu unutar prostora, integrirane jedinice ZEHNDER ComfoDew smještene pod stropom sanitarnih prostora neobično su važan integralni dio sustava održavanja povoljne klime, zbog funkcije odvlaživanja zraka u režimu hlađenja, na koji način se onemogućuje pojava kondenzacije vlage unutar prostora, u pod integrirani ventilokonvektori dodatno odvlažuju kritične zone ispred staklenih stijena u režimu hlađenja, integrirane jedinice ZEHNDER ComfoAir smještene pod stropom sanitarnih prostora osiguravaju dovoljan broj izmjena zraka cijelog prostora stana tako da je zrak uvijek pročišćen od alergena iz vanjskog okoliša te osigurava ugodnu atmosferu boravka, dovod i odvod zraka omogućen je centralnim ventilacijom kanalima s otvorima na najvišoj koti krova rezidencije, upravljanje sustavom rekuperacije/odvlaživanja vrši se putem zidnih upravljačkih panela ZEHNDER Control kojima se upravlja i sustavom grijanja/hlađenja.
TOPLINSKA UGODNOST: korištenjem visokokvalitetnih materijala u izvedbi ovojnice rezidencije postiže se odlična toplinska izolacija te uz odabir ostakljenih elemenata s povoljnim energetskim vrijednostima ostvaruju se uvjeti za ugodan boravak kroz sva godišnja doba uz smanjenu potrebu za dogrijavanjem ili rashlađivanjem prostora, integrirani ZEHNDER sustav grijanja/hlađenja/ventilacije osigurava vrhunsku ambijentalnu kontrolu toplinske ugodnosti uz optimalnu potrošnju energije navedenim parametrima postiže se vrlo niska ukupna potrošnja energije uz postizanje visokog energetskog standarda – A+ energetski razred, Zero Carbon Emission.
SUSTAV RASVJETE: osvjetljenje svih zajedničkih dijelova rezidencije predviđeno je korištenjem energetski učinkovite LED rasvjete kontrolirane i upravljane senzorima kontrole dnevnog svjetla i senzorima prisustva u pojedinim prostorima, svi predviđeni rasvjetni elementi zajedničkih prostora te vanjskih arhitekturalnih obilježja vizualno su usklađeni s identitetom objekta, a tehnološki zadovoljavaju najviše oblikovne i ekološke standard, koncept rasvjete je usklađen s potrebama modernog stanovanja osiguravajući ugodno životno okruženje, i potrebnu rasvijetljenost pojedinih specifičnih prostora, osvjetljenje svih stropova stanova integriranom LED rasvjetom upravljivom putem zidnih prekidača i/ili putem integriranog sustava KNX "pametna kuća", rasvjetna priprema unutar stambenih jedinica omogućava implementaciju modernih sustava kontrole i upravljanja rasvjetom uz veliku fleksibilnost interijera, light design koncept pripreme za rasvjetu stambenih jedinica, predstavlja odmak od standardnog poimanja rasvjete kao čisto dekorativnog elementa, već rasvjetu tretira kao medij za dobru percepciju prostora i stvaranje ugodnog okruženja.
ABB SUSTAV AUTOMATIZACIJE STANA - ugradnjom sustava ABB free@home automatizacije stana ("pametna kuća") vlasnicima se nudi mogućnost upravljanja vlastitim prostorom, bilo iz udobnosti vlastitog doma ili putem aplikacije sa udaljene lokacije (telefon,tablet,računalo), centralni upravljački touch screen omogućava lokalno upravljanje automatizacijom stana i kontrolom pristupa, moguće je upravljati portafonom, rasvjetom i roletama, sustav je modularan i moguće ga je proširivati funkcijama.
ZBRINJAVANJE OTPADA: poseban prostor na kraju kolnog prolaza, odvojen od objekta, u dvorištu, za zbrinjavanje otpada dovoljno predviđenog prostora za posebne spremnike za separaciju otpada.
KUČNA PUNIONICA ELEKTRIČNIH AUTOMOBILA: svako garažno parkirno mjesto opremljeno je priključkom za punjenje električnih automobile čime je omogućeno punjenje vozila preko noći u periodu najpovoljnije cijene električne energije.
SIGURNOST: 24/7 video nadzor svih zajedničkih prostora i pristupa, elektronska kontrola pristupa, portafonski sustav integriran u ZENNIO upravljački touch screen u stanu, dojava prisutnosti putem ABB free@home sustava.
VELIKA OSTAKLJENJA STAMBENIH PROSTORA: svrhu postizanja kvalitetnog osvjetljenja stanova, staklene površine su velikih dimenzija, prozori svijetlih visina od 173 – 213 cm, posebno projektirani za ovu rezidenciju bez izvana vidljivih okvira krila u izvedbi drvo-aluminij, klizno-podizne stijene u izvedbi drvo-aluminij svijetlih visina 259 cm s utopljenim pragom, kako bi vanjski prostor bio integriran u istom nivou poda s interijerom, neprekinuta staklena ovojnica zadnje etaže posebna je cjelina uvučena od vanjske ovojnice koja se uzdiže iznad Grada, okružena zelenim vrtovima, zaštita od sunca predviđena je aluminijskim roletama na zapad i "sun screen" zaštitom integriranom u ulično fasadno platno od kamena TRAVERTINO CLASSICO, čija prirodna bež boja čini savršenu kombinaciju s raznobojnim "sun screen" zaštitama.
REPREZENTATIVNI ULAZNI PROSTOR I VERTIKALNA KOMUNIKACIJA: ulazni prostor slijedi reminiscentni arhitekturu donjogradskih stambenih kuća, oblikovan kombinacijom kamena - svijetlo - bianco polare / pietra del deserto / bianco perlino - tamno - grafite / nero marquinia, rafinirano oblikovanje ostalih elemenata ulaznog prostora i vertikalne komunikacije, dizalo nove generacije - KONE MonoSpace- električno, bezreduktorsko frekvencijski regulirano s luksuzno opremljenom kabinom.
VISINE I MATERIJALI: dnevni boravak, sobe: svijetla visina od poda do stropa 281 cm +/- 2cm, sanitarni čvorovi: svijetla visina od poda do sp. stropa 250 cm +/- 2cm, unutarnja stolarija visine 220 cm sa zvučno izoliranim krilom i skrivenim pantima u mat bijeloj izvedbi, klizna vrata u punoj visini prostora sa skrivenim stropnim vodilicama u završnoj izvedbi furnira američkog oraha u mat laku sklanjaju se u zid u za to predviđenu nišu, protuprovalno-protupožarna ulazna vrata u stanove DIERRE visokog standarda, okvir vrata lakiran mat bijelo, krilo u završnoj obradi furnira američkog oraha toplinski i zvučno izolirano s protuprovalnim okovom, sustav ONE-KEY-4-ALL za sve korisne prostore rezidencije, sanitarni prostori izvedeni u porculanskim pločama 120 x 60 zidovi; 60 x 60 podovi IMOLA CERAMICA iz kolekcije THE ROOM, umivaonici DURAVIT / Vero 60/80/100, kupaonski namještaj DURAVIT / Vero C-bonded, armature ugradbene DURAVIT, toilet DURAVIT / ME by Starck, kupaonska galanterija DURAVIT / Starck T, ugradbeni vodokotlići DURASYSTEM / DURAVIT white, tuš kade STONETO i/ili izvedene u keramici, višeslojni parket visokog standarda, balkoni/terase obloženi Decking System-om s drvenim/kompozitnim daskama u istom nivou s parketom u interijeru prostora, balkoni/terase štićeni od pogleda i/ili sunca sa zapada sustavom kliznih grilja u kombinaciji s rafiniranim ogradnim elementima, periferna elektro oprema VIMAR
ELEKTROINSTALACIJE: LAN mreža UTP cat. 6 s razvodnim ormarom, optička infrastruktura dovedena do stana, zajednički satelitski i zemaljski TV program, upravljanje roletama putem tipkala na zidu i mobilne aplikacije.
Na etažne vlasnike prenose se garancijski uvjeti za građevinu u skladu sa zakonom i važećim uzancama u graditeljstvu: 10 godina na konstrukciju građevine, 2 godine na sve ostale građevinske i građevinsko-obrtničke radove, 1 godina na instaliranu opremu i sustave ako drugačije nije navedeno u jamstvenim listovima za pojedinu opremu i sustave garancijski rokovi teku danom tehničkog pregleda građevine.
Za više informacija kontaktirajte našeg agenta.
S poštovanjem,
Vaše Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.
Renata Vučić
Mob: 0957126633
Tel: +385 1 466 2233
Angelus Nekretnine offers for sale an apartment in a new building:
LOCATION: Zagreb, center, Medulićeva. In the very heart and the strictest part of the city, right below the beautiful, green Rokovo park. 300m from the tram and 300m from the elementary school, and 700m from Cvjetni trg.
DESCRIPTION: The residence of the Medulićevs in a modern and elegant way is reminiscent of the aristocratic apartments of Donjograd. Luxurious two-room apartment in a new west-facing building on the first floor (S3). It consists of an exit area, toilet, kitchen and living room, bedroom and bathroom.
The net area of the apartment is 56.57m². The total calculation area of the apartment is 56.57m² Earthquake-proof building of superior construction quality. Sophistication of heating, cooling and air conditioning technology with top Swiss technology. Lighting systems, management automation, surveillance and security, waste disposal, home charging stations for electric cars and maintenance - zero carbon emission.
HEATING, COOLING AND HOT WATER PREPARATION SYSTEM: preparation of hot/cold water as a medium for heating/cooling and preparation of hot, sanitary water is carried out using an air-water heat pump for each apartment separately, through the ceilings, floors and, if necessary, the walls are distributed a system of pipes through which hot/cold water flows depending on the heating or cooling mode - ZEHNDER Nestsystem, so there are no visible thermotechnical elements inside the space, such as radiators or air conditioners, heating/cooling with this system imitates natural heating/cooling processes where they are primarily heated or objects in the room are cooled, not the surrounding air, such as the sun in winter or a tavern in summer, where the cool stone creates a pleasant climate in the room ZEHNDER Radiant Conditioning System, the external units of the system are located on the common roof of the residence, in front of the large glass walls, fan coil units integrated into the system are installed in the floor which help maintain a favorable climate in critical zones, system regulation for St aku room especially via wall control panels ZEHNDER Control.
AIR VENTILATION, RECOVERY AND DEHUMIDIFICATION SYSTEM: unique ZEHNDER ComfoAir/ComfoDew central recovery system with dehumidification maintains optimal humidity inside the room, integrated ZEHNDER ComfoDew units located under the ceiling of sanitary areas are an unusually important integral part of the system for maintaining a favorable climate, due to the air dehumidification function in the cooling mode , how to prevent the occurrence of moisture condensation inside the room, in the floor integrated fan convectors additionally dehumidify the critical zones in front of the glass walls in the cooling mode, integrated ZEHNDER ComfoAir units located under the ceiling of the sanitary areas ensure a sufficient number of air exchanges throughout the apartment so that the air is always purified from allergens from the external environment and ensures a pleasant living atmosphere, air intake and exhaust is made possible by central ventilation through channels with openings on the highest elevation of the roof of the residence, management of the recuperation/dehumidification system is done via wall controls of ZEHNDER Control panels that are controlled by the heating/cooling system.
THERMAL COMFORT: the use of high-quality materials in the construction of the envelope of the residence achieves excellent thermal insulation, and with the selection of glazed elements with favorable energy values, the conditions for a pleasant stay are achieved throughout all seasons with a reduced need for additional heating or cooling of the space, the integrated ZEHNDER heating/cooling system/ ventilation ensures superior ambient control of thermal comfort with optimal energy consumption, the specified parameters achieve very low total energy consumption while achieving a high energy standard - A+ energy class, Zero Carbon Emission.
LIGHTING SYSTEM: the lighting of all common areas of the residence is planned using energy-efficient LED lighting controlled and managed by daylight control sensors and presence sensors in certain areas, all planned lighting elements of common areas and external architectural features are visually harmonized with the identity of the building, and technologically satisfy the most design and ecological standard, the lighting concept is aligned with the needs of modern housing, ensuring a comfortable living environment, and the necessary lighting of certain specific spaces, lighting of all apartment ceilings with integrated LED lighting controlled via wall switches and/or via the integrated KNX "smart house" system, lighting preparation within residential units, it enables the implementation of modern lighting control and management systems with great interior flexibility, light design concept of preparation for lighting of residential units, represents a departure from the standard understanding of lighting as a purely decorative element, but rather treats lighting as a medium for a good perception of space and creating a pleasant environment.
ABB APARTMENT AUTOMATION SYSTEM - by installing the ABB free@home apartment automation system ("smart house"), owners are offered the possibility of managing their own space, either from the comfort of their own home or via an application from a remote location (phone, tablet, computer), central control touch screen it enables local management of apartment automation and access control, it is possible to control intercom, lighting and blinds, the system is modular and can be expanded with functions.
WASTE DISPOSAL: a special space at the end of the driveway, separated from the building, in the yard, for waste disposal with enough space for special containers for waste separation.
HOME CHARGER FOR ELECTRIC CARS: every parking space in the garage is equipped with a charging port for electric cars, which makes it possible to charge the vehicle overnight during the period of the best price for electricity.
SECURITY: 24/7 video surveillance of all common areas and access, electronic access control, intercom system integrated into the ZENNIO control touch screen in the apartment, presence notification via the ABB free@home system.
LARGE GLAZING OF RESIDENTIAL SPACES: for the purpose of achieving high-quality lighting of the apartments, the glass surfaces are of large dimensions, the windows have clear heights of 173 - 213 cm, specially designed for this residence without externally visible sash frames in the wood-aluminum version, sliding-lifting walls in the wood- aluminum with light heights of 259 cm with a sunken threshold, so that the outside space is integrated at the same floor level as the interior, the uninterrupted glass envelope of the last floor is a separate unit drawn in from the outer envelope that rises above the City, surrounded by green gardens, sun protection is provided by aluminum blinds to the west and "sun screen" protection integrated into the street facade fabric made of TRAVERTINO CLASSICO stone, whose natural beige color makes a perfect combination with multi-colored "sun screen" protections.
REPRESENTATIVE ENTRANCE SPACE AND VERTICAL COMMUNICATION: the entrance space follows the reminiscent architecture of lower-town apartment buildings, shaped by a combination of stone - light - bianco polare / pietra del deserto / bianco perlino - dark - graphite / nero marquinia, refined design of other elements of the entrance space and vertical communication, elevator new generation - KONE MonoSpace - electric, gearless frequency-regulated with a luxuriously equipped cabin.
HEIGHTS AND MATERIALS: living room, rooms: clear height from floor to ceiling 281 cm +/- 2cm, sanitary facilities: clear height from floor to floor. ceiling height 250 cm +/- 2 cm, internal carpentry height 220 cm with sound-insulated sash and hidden hinges in matt white finish, sliding doors at the full height of the room with hidden ceiling guides in the finish of American walnut veneer in matt lacquer, they hide in the wall in that provided niche, high-standard DIERRE anti-burglary and fire-resistant entrance door to apartments, door frame lacquered in matt white, leaf in American walnut veneer finish, thermally and sound-insulated with anti-burglary fittings, ONE-KEY-4-ALL system for all useful areas of the residence, sanitary areas made of porcelain panels 120 x 60 walls; 60 x 60 IMOLA CERAMICA floors from THE ROOM collection, DURAVIT / Vero 60/80/100 sinks, DURAVIT / Vero C-bonded bathroom furniture, DURAVIT built-in fittings, DURAVIT / ME by Starck toilet, DURAVIT / Starck T bathroom accessories, built-in cisterns DURASYSTEM / DURAVIT white, STONETO and/or ceramic shower tubs, multi-layer high-standard parquet, balconies/terraces covered with Decking System with wooden/composite boards at the same level as the parquet in the interior of the room, balconies/terraces protected from view and/ or the sun from the west with a system of sliding shutters in combination with refined fence elements, peripheral electrical equipment VIMAR.
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS: LAN network UTP cat. 6 with a distribution cabinet, optical infrastructure brought to the apartment, common satellite and terrestrial TV program, control of blinds via buttons on the wall and mobile applications.
The warranty conditions for the building are transferred to the condominium owners in accordance with the law and the applicable regulations in construction: 10 years for the construction of the building, 2 years for all other construction and construction-craft work, 1 year for the installed equipment and systems, unless otherwise stated in the warranty for sheets for individual equipment and systems, the warranty periods start on the day of the technical inspection of the building.
The offer also includes smaller and larger apartments on the first, second, third, fourth and fifth floors.
Yours Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.
ID CODE: 3881
Renata Vučić
Mob: 0957126633
Tel: +385 1 466 2233
ID CODE: 3881
Renata Vučić
Mob: 0957126633
Tel: +385 1 466 2233
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