LOKACIJA: Zagreb, Jarun. U neposrednoj blizini zelenilom bogatih novih gradskih četvrti, u zapadnom dijelu grada nalazi se Jarun sa rekreativno-sportskim centrom. Pješačke staze, jezera s veslačkim stazama, mnogi restorani i kavane dio su prepoznatljivoga ugođaja jarunskog centra. Pravo mjesto za odmor i rekreaciju. U neposrednoj blizini se nalazi sportski park Mladost koji je dugi niz godina reprezentativni sportski kompleks koji zadovoljava najviše kriterije u organizaciji natjecanja, trenažnih procesa, te različitih oblika sportske edukacije i rekreacije. U neposrednoj blizini nalaze se stanice tramvaja na Horvaćanskoj cesti udaljenoj samo 300m, Bazeni Mladost, Kineziološki fakultet, Jarunsko jezero na 100m udaljenosti, te gradska tržnica u neposrednoj blizini, Dom zdravlja, vrtić, osnovna škola te trgovine.
OPIS: Luksuzni stan povrčine 88m2 u prizemlju novogradnje koja će biti useljiva 2024.godine. Vrhunska novogradnja čije stanove odlikuje najviši stupanj opreme i najsuvremenije tehnologije u pogledu instalacija i upravljanja istima, dok energetska učinkovitost zadovoljava najviše standarde. Sastoji se od dnevnog boravka sa kuhinjom i blagovanicom, 2 spavaće sobe od kojih je jedna master sa vlastitom kupaonicom i izlazom na vrt, a druga sa loggiom površine 5m2, kupaonice, wc-a i gospodarstva te vrta površine 62m2. Zgrada će imati zajednički park za sve stanare.
(STAN A102)
U ponudi se, također, nalazi još stanova u prizemlju, na prvom i drugom katu, kvadrature od 57m2 - 132m2 ili prema dogovoru sa kupcima. Svaki stan ima pripadajući vanjski prostor; terasu s vrtom, lođu, balkon ili terasu.
Nosivi sistem građevine čini armirano-betonska konstrukcija koju čine AB zidovi i AB stropne ploče i grede.
Zidovi između stanova su armirano betonski debljine 20 cm ili knauf sustav debljine 15 cm.
Stubište unutar građevine izvodi se u dva kraka. Okna dizala su armirano-betonska.
Stambena zgrada ima jednu podrumsku etažu, prizemlje i dvije nadzemne etaže od kojih je druga uvučeni kat.
Vertikalna komunikacija bit će omogućena stubištem i dizalima (dva dizala) kroz sve etaže.
Stambena zgrada sastoji se od; Garaža na -1 etaži, svijetle visine prostora 2,50 m
Stambeni prostor prizemlje, 1 kat i uvučeni kat svijetle visine prostora 2,80 m
Nosiva krovna konstrukcija izvedena je kao armirano-betonske ploča debljine 20 cm. Krov je izveden kao ravni, neprohodni krov, prekriven UV stabilnom TPO folijom, toplinski izoliran sa 20 cm toplinske izolacije i završna zaštita TPO folije je šljunak.
Fasada će biti izvedena ETICS sustavom s toplinskom izolacijom od polistirena debljine 15 cm, a zidovi uvučenog kata obložit će se ventiliranim fasadnim sustavom s tvrdom mineralnom vunom debljine 12 cm i završnom oblogom.
Unutarnji pregradni zidovi u stanovima su gips-kartonski sa ispunom od mineralne vune debljine 10-12,5 cm sa dvostrukim GK pločama po sistemu kao knauf W112.
Betonski dijelovi zidova i stropne ploče izravnavaju se gletanjem. Završna obrada betonskih i pregradnih zidova je bojanje polu disperzivnom bojom.
Zidovi od blok opeke žbukaju se gips-vapnenom i vapneno-cementnom žbukom te završno gletaju i bojaju.
Kod zidnih pločica se sve dilatacijske fuge, kao i rubovi i kutni završeci, izvode sa zaštitnim kutnim profilima.
U sanitarnim čvorovima svi zidovi se oblažu keramičkim pločicama od poda do stropa.
Komunikacija između etaža omogućena je unutarnjim stubištem. Stubišta su opremljena dizalima kroz sve etaže.
Stubišta i podesti - u keramici sa visokim soklom.
Pred prostor liftova - podovi i zidovi popločeni keramikom. Ulaz u zgradu - podovi i zidovi popločeni keramikom.
Ograde i rukohvati u stubištima izvedeni su kao bravarska ograda visine 110 cm.
U podzemnu garažu pristupa se putem rampe širine 6,0 m a prilaz je omogućen sa istočne strane.
Garažna parkirna mjesta nalaze se u podzemnim etažama -1.
Dimenzije garažnih parkirnih mjesta su minimalno 250x500 cm, a maksimalne dimenzije 395x500 cm.
Unutarnja stolarija bit će izvedena od punih, glatkih vrata sa ispunom kartonskom saćom, s dovratnikom lakiranim PU lakom u bijeloj boji.
Okov vidljivi panti i kromirane kvake sa magnetnom bravom. Visina vratnog krila je 220 cm.
Vanjska stolarija bit će izvedena od ALU profila visoke toplinske izolacije koja zadovoljava standarde niske potrošnje energije sa pripadajućom kutijom za ALU rolete, toplinski izoliranom te vanjskim prozorskim klupčicama od aluminija.
Stakla su troslojna sa nisko energetskim premazom punjena Argonom. Izlazi na balkone izvedeni su kliznim stijenama ili balkonskim vratima.
Završna obrada podova u kuhinjama i sanitarijama izvodi se postavljanjem keramičkih pločica na plivajućem cementnom estrihu. Keramika je višeg cjenovnog razreda.
U svim ostalim prostorijama postavlja se gotov, lakirani, dvoslojni hrastov parket. Sokl lajsna je visine 80 mm i lakirana u bijelu boju.
Svi unutarnji zidovi i stropovi bojaju se polu disperzivnom bojom.
Zidovi i podovi kuhinja, kupaonica i toaleta obloženi su kvalitetnim keramičkim pločicama.
Kod zidnih pločica se sve dilatacijske fuge, kao i rubovi i kutni završeci izvode sa zaštitnim kutnim AL profilima.
U kupaonicama svi zidovi se oblažu keramičkim pločicama od poda do stropa. Keramičke pločica u sanitarnim čvorovima po izboru projektanta/kupca.
Sanitarna oprema sadržavat će umivaonik s ormarićem i ogledalom, slavinu za umivaonik konzolnu WC školjku s podžbuknim dvokoličinskim vodokotlićem.WC školjka sa sampo spuštajućom wc daskom.
Predviđeno je spajanje građevine na javni vodoopskrbni cjevovod koji se nalazi u Jarunskoj ulici . Mjerenje potrošnje sanitarne vode izvodi se po sistemu glavnih i sekundarnih vodomjera koji su smješteni na hodniku pojedine etaže.
Svaki stan ima zasebno pripadajuće mjerno mjesto vodomjernog ormarića na hodniku stubišta dok je glavni ventil za zatvaranje dovoda vode smješten unutar stana. Osim vodovoda sanitarne vode izvest će se unutarnja i vanjska sanitarna hidrantska mreža. Elaboratom zaštite od požara predviđena je protupožarna zaštita unutarnjom i vanjskom hidrantskom mrežom. Sanitarne otpadne i oborinske vode odvode se u sustav javne gradske odvodnje
Za potrebe grijanja objekta kao glavni proizvođač energije koristit će se visokoučinkovite dizalice topline zrak-voda.
Dizalice će se smjestiti na krovu, na temelju predviđenom za njihov smještaj. Za sve stanove predviđene su dizalice topline s hydro modulima koji imaju integrirane spremnike za potrošnu toplu vodu, te se iste nalaze u prostorima sanitarija (GOSP.). Svi stanovi imaju ugrađeno podno grijanje, dok u svakoj kupaonici u pojedinom stanu su kupaonske ljestve.
Za potrebe hlađenja ugrađuje se mono split jedinica visoke učinkovitosti.
Stanovi koji se nalaze u prizemlju i 1. katu se griju pomoću dizalica toplina tip AE066MXTPGH/EU, kapaciteta hlađenja Qh=6,6 kW i kapaciteta grijanja Qg=6,6 kW (po stanu).Dizalica topline je smještena na krovu građevine.
Za podno grijanje se koristi su stavtople vode 40/35 °C. Podno grijanje je optimalno rješenje za grijanje svih prostorija s obzirom naširinu zračene površine i nisku temperaturu. Sve kupaonice unutar stanova imaju dodatno ugrađene kupaonske ljestve.
Za hlađenje se mono split jedinica koja se nalazi u dnevnom boravku kapaciteta hlađenja Qh=3,5 kW i kapaciteta grijanja Qg=3,5 kW. Za pripremu PTV-a za svaki stan predviđen je hidrojedinica s integriranim spremnikom potrošne tople vode kapaciteta 260 L. Za zagrijavanje vode pri nižim temperaturama ugrađen je električni grijač Nel.= 4.0 kW. Sve kuaponice unutar stanova imaju dodatno ugrađene kupaonske ljestve.
Stanovi koji se nalaze na 2. katu se griju pomoću dizalica toplina tip AE090MXTPGH/EU, kapaciteta hlađenja Qh=9 kW i kapaciteta grijanja Qg=9 kW (po stanu). Dizalica topline je smještena na temelju na krovu građevine.
Za podno grijanje se koristi sustav tople vode 40/35 °C. Podno grijanje je optimalno rješenje za grijanje svih prostorija s obzirom na širinu zračene površine i nisku temperaturu. Sve kuaponice unutar stanova imaju dodatno ugrađene kupaonske ljestve.
Za hlađenje se mono split jedinica koja se nalazi u dnevnom boravku kapaciteta hlađenja Qh=5 kW i kapaciteta grijanja Qg=5 kW. Za pripremu PTV-a za svaki stan predviđen je hidrojedinica s integriranim spremnikom potrošnetople vode kapaciteta 260 L. Za zagrijavanje vode pri nižim temperaturama ugrađen je električni grijač Nel.=6.0 kW.
U stambenoj zgradi su arhitektonskim projektom predviđeni sanitarni prostori bez prozora. Za ventilaciju istih predviđena je ugradnja ventilatora koji su u vatrootpornom kućištu bočno na izlazu iz šahte. Uključuju i isključuju se preko prekidača za rasvjetu spomenutih prostora. Dotok zraka u ventilirane prostore osigurati će se ugradnjom prestrujne rešetke u donjem dijelu vrata ili podrezivanjem vrata.
Stanovi su opremljeni rekuperacijom toplinske energije sa ugrađenim zidnim točkastim (push/pull) rekuperatorima (tlačno/odsisni ventilator).
Dnevni boravak i spavaće sobe se ventiliraju decentraliziranim automatskim sustavom ventilacije sa ugrađenim osjetnikom vlage.
Na taj način se u prostoru boravka osigurava izmjena zasićenog i vlažnog zraka sa dogrijanim svježim zrakom što podiže kvalitetu boravka u zatvorenim prostorima.
Priključak zgrade na niskonaponsku elektroenergetsku distribucijsku mrežu izvest će se sukladno elektroenergetskoj suglasnosti. Mjerni ormarići smješteni su u podzemnoj etaži u elektro sobi. Svaki stan ima zasebno brojilo za mjerenje potrošnje el. energije.
Zgrada u zajedničkim prostorima ima izvedenu LED rasvjetu, dijelom automatski upravljanu, automatsku vatrodojavu, te pripremu instalacije za videonadzor.
Stan je opremljen razdjelnikom jake struje i komunikacijskim razdjelnikom. Sklopke i utičnice su proizvođača Bticino modela Living Now - crna mat boja.
Predviđeni izvodi:
U hodniku: video portafon proizvođača, stropno svjetlo, utičnica.
U spavaćoj sobi: zidno svjetlo iznad noćnih ormarića s neposrednim i udaljenim upravljanjem, stropno svjetlo, više utičnica.
U svakoj sobi: LAN priključak, više utičnica.
U kuhinji: za ručne uređaje iznad radne ploče, stropno svjetlo, za štednjak, za hladnjak, za perilica, za napu.
U kupaonici: nadsvjetlo iznad umivaonika, stropno svjetlo, utičnica s poklopcem, ventilator s timerom, za perilicu rublja.
Komunikacijski razdjelnik ima ugrađenu utičnicu za napajanje usmjerivača kod ADSL priključka, te određen prostor unutar ormara za smještaj uređaja.
Iza TV-a je izvedena dvostruka LAN utičnica za opcijski smještaj usmjerivača kod kabelskog priključka.
Do komunikacijskog razdjelnika vodi i instalacijska cijev rezervirana za optički priključak.
Antenska instalacija stana spojena je na zajednički antenski sustav na krovu zgrade, za prijem zemaljskih i satelitskih TV programa, te UKV radijskih programa.
Na ulazu u zgradu nalazi se pozivni uređaj sa kamerom, šifrarnikom te čitačem kartice. Ispred stana nalazi se tipkalo, a u stanu videoportafon, za govornu i video komunikaciju s posjetiteljima, proizvođača HikVision.
Objekt je opremljen pripremom za videonadzor. Kamerama će se moći pokriti ulazi u zgradu te ulaz u garažu.
Projektom je predviđen energetski razred A+ po Qhnd kriteriju.
Svaki Kupac prilikom preuzimanja stana dobit će knjižicu sa uputama za korištenje i održavanje ugrađene opreme.
Kolni i pješački prilaz je asfaltiran.
Smještaj kontejnera za smeće i otpad bit će izveden na način da će biti pozicioniran na sjeveroistočni dio parcele.
Kupac ne plaća PDV, ali plaća 3% porez na nekretnine.
S poštovanjem,
vaše Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.
Ivana Damjanović
Suradnik u procesu obuke
Mob: +385914662333
Tel: +385 1 466 2233
E-mail: ivana@angelusnekretnine.hr
LOCATION: Zagreb, Jarun. In the immediate vicinity of the green new city districts, in the western part of the city, there is Jarun with a recreational and sports center. Hiking trails, lakes with rowing paths, many restaurants and cafes are part of the recognizable atmosphere of the center of Jarun. The right place for rest and recreation. In the immediate vicinity is the Mladost sports park, which for many years has been a representative sports complex that meets the highest criteria in the organization of competitions, training processes, and various forms of sports education and recreation. In the immediate vicinity there are tram stops on Horvaćanska cesta, only 300m away, Bazeni Mladost, Faculty of Kinesiology, Jarun Lake 100m away, and a city market in the immediate vicinity, health center, kindergarten, primary school and shops.
DESCRIPTION: Luxury apartment with an area of 88 m2 on the ground floor of a new building that will be ready for occupancy in 2024. A superb new building whose apartments are characterized by the highest level of equipment and the most modern technology in terms of installation and management, while energy efficiency meets the highest standards. It consists of a living room with a kitchen and a dining room, 2 bedrooms, one of which is a master with its own bathroom and access to the garden, and the other with a loggia of 5m2, a bathroom, a toilet and a utility room, and a garden of 62m2. The building will have a common park for all tenants.
(A 1O2)
The offer also includes apartments on the ground floor, on the first and second floors, with a square footage of 57m2 - 132m2 or as agreed with the buyers. Each apartment has its own outdoor area; terrace with garden, loggia, balcony or terrace.
The load-bearing system of the building consists of a reinforced concrete structure consisting of AB walls and AB ceiling panels and beams.
The walls between the apartments are 20 cm thick reinforced concrete or 15 cm thick Knauf system.
The staircase inside the building has two legs. Elevator shafts are reinforced concrete.
The residential building has one basement floor, ground floor and two above-ground floors, the second of which is a recessed floor.
Vertical communication will be enabled by stairs and elevators (two elevators) through all floors.
The residential building consists of; Garage on -1st floor, clear space height 2.50 m
Living space on the ground floor, 1st floor and a recessed floor with a light height of 2.80 m
The load-bearing roof structure is made of reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of 20 cm. The roof is made as a flat, impassable roof, covered with UV-stable TPO foil, thermally insulated with 20 cm of thermal insulation, and the final protection of the TPO foil is gravel.
The facade will be made with the ETICS system with 15 cm thick polystyrene thermal insulation, and the walls of the recessed floor will be covered with a ventilated facade system with 12 cm thick hard mineral wool and a finishing coating.
The internal partition walls in the apartments are made of plasterboard with mineral wool filling 10-12.5 cm thick with double GK panels according to the Knauf W112 system.
The concrete parts of the walls and ceiling slabs are leveled by smoothing. Finishing of concrete and partition walls is painting with semi-dispersive paint.
Block brick walls are plastered with gypsum-lime and lime-cement plaster, and finished with smoothing and painting.
In the case of wall tiles, all expansion joints, as well as edges and corner ends, are made with protective corner profiles.
In the sanitary facilities, all walls are covered with ceramic tiles from floor to ceiling.
Communication between floors is made possible by an internal staircase. The staircases are equipped with elevators through all floors.
Stairs and landings - in ceramics with a high plinth.
In front of the elevator area - ceramic tiled floors and walls. Entrance to the building - ceramic tiled floors and walls.
The railings and handrails in the staircases are designed as locksmith's railings with a height of 110 cm.
The underground garage is accessed via a 6.0 m wide ramp, and access is possible from the east side.
Garage parking spaces are located in the underground floors -1.
The minimum dimensions of garage parking spaces are 250x500 cm, and the maximum dimensions are 395x500 cm.
The internal carpentry will be made of solid, smooth doors filled with cardboard honeycomb, with a door frame painted with white PU varnish.
Hardware with visible hinges and chrome-plated handles with magnetic lock. The height of the neck sash is 220 cm.
The external carpentry will be made of ALU profile with high thermal insulation that meets the standards of low energy consumption with the associated box for ALU blinds, thermally insulated and external aluminum window sills.
The glasses are three-layered with a low-energy coating filled with Argon. The exits to the balconies are made with sliding walls or balcony doors.
Finishing of floors in kitchens and bathrooms is done by laying ceramic tiles on a floating cement screed. Ceramics are of a higher price class.
Finished, lacquered, two-layer oak parquet is installed in all other rooms. The skirting board is 80 mm high and painted white.
All interior walls and ceilings are painted with semi-dispersive paint.
The walls and floors of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are covered with high-quality ceramic tiles.
In the case of wall tiles, all expansion joints, as well as edges and corner ends are made with protective corner AL profiles.
In the bathrooms, all the walls are covered with ceramic tiles from floor to ceiling. Ceramic tiles in sanitary facilities at the choice of the designer/customer.
The sanitary equipment will include a sink with a cabinet and a mirror, a faucet for the sink, a cantilever toilet bowl with a two-volume flush-mounted cistern.
It is planned to connect the building to the public water supply pipeline located in Jarunska Street. Sanitary water consumption is measured using a system of main and secondary water meters located in the hallway of each floor.
Each apartment has a separate measuring point of the water meter cabinet in the stairwell corridor, while the main valve for closing the water supply is located inside the apartment. In addition to the sanitary water supply system, an internal and external sanitary hydrant network will be constructed. The fire protection study provides for fire protection with an internal and external hydrant network. Sanitary wastewater and rainwater are drained into the public city drainage system
High-efficiency air-water heat pumps will be used as the main energy producer for heating the building.
The cranes will be placed on the roof, on the basis provided for their placement. Heat pumps with hydro modules are provided for all apartments, which have integrated tanks for hot water, and these are located in the sanitary facilities (GOSP.). All apartments have built-in underfloor heating, while there is a bathroom ladder in each bathroom in each apartment.
A high efficiency mono split unit is installed for cooling purposes.
The apartments located on the ground floor and 1st floor are heated using heat pumps type AE066MXTPGH/EU, cooling capacity Qh=6.6 kW and heating capacity Qg=6.6 kW (per apartment). The heat pump is located on the roof of the building.
Hot water 40/35 °C is used for underfloor heating. Floor heating is the optimal solution for heating all rooms, considering the width of the irradiated surface and the low temperature. All bathrooms inside the apartments have an additional built-in bathroom ladder.
For cooling, a mono split unit located in the living room with a cooling capacity of Qh=3.5 kW and a heating capacity of Qg=3.5 kW is used. For the preparation of DHW for each apartment, a hydro unit with an integrated hot water tank with a capacity of 260 L is provided. An electric heater Nel.= 4.0 kW is installed to heat water at lower temperatures. All bathrooms inside the apartments have additionally built-in bathroom ladders.
The apartments located on the 2nd floor are heated using heat pumps type AE090MXTPGH/EU, cooling capacity Qh=9 kW and heating capacity Qg=9 kW (per apartment). The heat pump is placed on the foundation on the roof of the building.
A hot water system of 40/35 °C is used for underfloor heating. Floor heating is the optimal solution for heating all rooms, considering the width of the radiated surface and the low temperature. All bathrooms inside the apartments have additionally built-in bathroom ladders.
For cooling, a mono split unit located in the living room with a cooling capacity of Qh=5 kW and a heating capacity of Qg=5 kW is used. For the preparation of DHW for each apartment, a hydro unit with an integrated domestic hot water tank with a capacity of 260 L is provided. An electric heater Nel.=6.0 kW is installed to heat water at lower temperatures.
In the residential building, the architectural project foresees sanitary areas without windows. For ventilation, it is planned to install fans that are in the fire-resistant housing on the side at the exit from the shaft. They are switched on and off via the lighting switches of the mentioned areas. The flow of air into the ventilated spaces will be ensured by the installation of a draft grille in the lower part of the door or by trimming the door.
The apartments are equipped with thermal energy recovery with built-in wall point (push/pull) recuperators (pressure/exhaust fan).
The living room and bedrooms are ventilated by a decentralized automatic ventilation system with a built-in humidity sensor.
In this way, the exchange of saturated and moist air with heated fresh air is ensured in the living space, which increases the quality of living in closed spaces.
The connection of the building to the low-voltage power distribution network will be carried out in accordance with the power consent. The measuring cabinets are located on the underground floor in the electrical room. Each apartment has a separate meter for measuring electricity consumption. energy.
The building has LED lighting in common areas, partly automatically controlled, automatic fire alarm, and installation preparation for video surveillance.
The apartment is equipped with a high current distributor and a communication distributor. Switches and sockets are manufactured by Bticino model Living Now - black matte color.
Estimated performances:
In the hallway: video intercom of the manufacturer, ceiling fir tree, socket.
In the bedroom: wall light above bedside tables with immediate and remote control, ceiling light, multiple sockets.
In each room: LAN connection, several sockets.
In the kitchen: for hand appliances above the worktop, ceiling light, for the stove, for the refrigerator, for the washing machine, for the hood.
In the bathroom: overhead light above the sink, ceiling light, socket with cover, fan with timer, for washing machine.
The communication distributor has a built-in socket for powering the router at the ADSL connection, and a certain space inside the cabinet for housing the device.
Behind the TV is a double LAN socket for optional placement of a router at the cable connection.
An installation pipe reserved for an optical connection also leads to the communication distributor.
The antenna installation of the apartment is connected to a common antenna system on the roof of the building, for receiving terrestrial and satellite TV programs, as well as UKV radio programs.
At the entrance to the building there is a call device with a camera, a code book and a card reader. There is a keypad in front of the apartment, and a video intercom in the apartment, for voice and video communication with visitors, manufactured by HikVision.
The facility is equipped with video surveillance equipment. The entrances to the building and the entrance to the garage will be covered with cameras.
The project envisages energy class A+ according to the Qhnd criterion.
When taking over the apartment, each Buyer will receive a booklet with instructions for the use and maintenance of the built-in equipment.
The vehicular and pedestrian access is asphalted.
Garbage and waste containers will be located in the northeast part of the plot.
The buyer does not pay VAT, but pays 3% real estate tax.
Dear potential customers,
Viewing the property is possible with the signature of an Order for Mediation in order to protect the owner of the property from visits by unregistered persons, in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the Act on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions. The agency commission for the buyer is 2% + VAT of the total agreed purchase price.
With respect,
your Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.
ID CODE: 3913
Ivana Damjanović
Suradnik u procesu obuke
Mob: +385914662333
Tel: +385 1 466 2233
E-mail: ivana@angelusnekretnine.hr
ID CODE: 3913
Ivana Damjanović
Suradnik u procesu obuke
Mob: +385914662333
Tel: +385 1 466 2233
E-mail: ivana@angelusnekretnine.hr
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Unfortunately, the description of the object is not available in this language, you can see it in