Molimo zvati na broj mob: 098-195 34 63. Hvala.
Teren je smješten na centralnoj poziciji mirnog naselja Vrulje u Bilicama, svega 6 km od Šibenika. Sadrži 2 građevinska terena od 413m2 i 586m2 koji se mogu i pojedinačno kupiti. Tereni su pravilnog oblika, nalaze se na brijegu, pa se sa njih pruža lijepi pogled na mjesto, uvalu, koja je se nalazi na udaljenosti od svega 80m i okoliš.
Asfaltirani put prolazi sa zapadne strane terena od 413m2, a makadamski sa sjeverne strane oba terena. Infrastruktura je uz samu parcelu.
Dokumentacija uredna. Vlasništvo 1/1. Osigurana sva pravna, logistička i stručna usluga.
Sve ostale informacije na upit
mob: +385 98 195 3463
Building plot in the center of the village with a view of the bay - Bilice - Vrulje
Please call the mobile number: 098-195 34 63. Thank you.
The land is located in the central position of the quiet village of Vrulje in Bilice, only 6 km from Šibenik. It contains 2 building plots of 413m2 and 586m2 that can be purchased individually.
The grounds are of a regular shape, they are located on a hill, so they offer a beautiful view of the place, the bay, which is only 80m away, and the surrounding area.
The paved road passes on the western side of the 413 m2 field, and the macadam road on the northern side of both fields. The infrastructure is next to the plot itself.
The documentation is in order. Ownership 1/1. All legal, logistical and professional services are provided.
All other information on request
mobile: +385 98 195 3463
Thank you.
Šifra objekta: iro-3418
Kontakt: SplitKvadar,
Please call the mobile number: 098-195 34 63. Thank you.
The land is located in the central position of the quiet village of Vrulje in Bilice, only 6 km from Šibenik. It contains 2 building plots of 413m2 and 586m2 that can be purchased individually.
The grounds are of a regular shape, they are located on a hill, so they offer a beautiful view of the place, the bay, which is only 80m away, and the surrounding area.
The paved road passes on the western side of the 413 m2 field, and the macadam road on the northern side of both fields. The infrastructure is next to the plot itself.
The documentation is in order. Ownership 1/1. All legal, logistical and professional services are provided.
All other information on request
mobile: +385 98 195 3463
Thank you.
Custom ID: iro-3418
Contact: SplitKvadar,
Bitte rufen Sie die Mobilnummer an: 098-195 34 63. Vielen Dank.
Das Land befindet sich in zentraler Lage des ruhigen Dorfes Vrulje in Bilice, nur 6 km von Šibenik entfernt. Es enthält 2 Baugrundstücke von 413 m2 und 586 m2, die einzeln erworben werden können.
Das Grundstück hat eine regelmäßige Form, liegt auf einem Hügel und bietet somit einen schönen Blick auf den Ort, die nur 80 m entfernte Bucht und die Umgebung.
Die asphaltierte Straße verläuft an der Westseite des 413 m2 großen Feldes und die Schotterstraße an der Nordseite beider Felder. Die Infrastruktur befindet sich direkt neben dem Grundstück.
Die Dokumentation ist in Ordnung. Eigentum 1/1. Alle rechtlichen, logistischen und professionellen Dienstleistungen werden erbracht.
Alle weiteren Informationen auf Anfrage
Mobil: +385 98 195 3463
Vielen Dank.
Immobilien ID: iro-3418
Kontakt: SplitKvadar,
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Unfortunately, the description of the object is not available in this language, you can see it in