Prodajemo poljoprivredno zemjište u Ravnoj Gori na proplanku, 5 minuta vožnje od centra Ravne Gore.
Zemljište je pravokutnog oblika 30 metara širine i 195 metara dužine, ukupno 5835 m2.
Do nedavno je bilo u turističkoj zoni vikend naselja, međutim zadnjim izmjenama i dopunama je ta zona za sada vraćena u poljoprivredno.
Šumski (javni put) je do parcele sa jugoistočne strane.
Teren je blago nagnut sa puno stabala i na četvrtini terena sa predivnom šumom velikih smreka.
Idealno za investiciju ako netko ima vremena čekati sljedeće izmjene i dopune prostornog plana.
Više info na 091 620 5903, 0958291188 ili
Za državljane RH koji rade u inozemstvu, preko renomirane financijske kuće nudimo stambene kredite.
We are selling agricultural land in Ravna Gora on a glade, 5 minutes drive from the center of Ravna Gora.
The land is rectangular in shape 30 meters wide and 195 meters long, a total of 5835 m2.
Until recently, there were weekend settlements in the tourist zone, but with the latest changes and additions, that zone has been returned to agriculture for now.
Forest (public road) is to the plot on the southeast side.
The terrain is slightly sloping with a lot of trees and a quarter of the terrain with a beautiful forest of large spruces.
Ideal for investment if someone has time to wait for the next changes and additions to the spatial plan.
More info at 091 620 5903, 0958291188 or
For citizens of the Republic of Croatia who work abroad, we offer housing loans through a renowned financial house.
Dejan Dejanović
Voditelj ureda
Mob: 095 829 1188
We are selling agricultural land in Ravna Gora on a glade, 5 minutes drive from the center of Ravna Gora.
The land is rectangular in shape 30 meters wide and 195 meters long, a total of 5835 m2.
Until recently, there were weekend settlements in the tourist zone, but with the latest changes and additions, that zone has been returned to agriculture for now.
Forest (public road) is to the plot on the southeast side.
The terrain is slightly sloping with a lot of trees and a quarter of the terrain with a beautiful forest of large spruces.
Ideal for investment if someone has time to wait for the next changes and additions to the spatial plan.
More info at 091 620 5903, 0958291188 or
For citizens of the Republic of Croatia who work abroad, we offer housing loans through a renowned financial house.
Dejan Dejanović
Voditelj ureda
Mob: 095 829 1188
Wir verkaufen Ackerland in Ravna Gora auf einer Lichtung, 5 Autominuten vom Zentrum von Ravna Gora entfernt.
Das Grundstück ist rechteckig, 30 Meter breit und 195 Meter lang, insgesamt 5835 m2.
Bis vor kurzem gab es Wochenendsiedlungen in der Touristenzone, aber mit den letzten Änderungen und Ergänzungen wurde diese Zone vorerst wieder der Landwirtschaft zugeführt.
Wald (öffentliche Straße) ist zum Grundstück auf der Südostseite.
Das Gelände ist leicht abfallend mit vielen Bäumen und ein Viertel des Geländes mit einem schönen Wald aus großen Fichten.
Ideal für Investitionen, wenn jemand Zeit hat, auf die nächsten Änderungen und Ergänzungen des Raumplans zu warten.
Mehr Infos unter 091 620 5903, 0958291188 oder
Für Bürger der Republik Kroatien, die im Ausland arbeiten, bieten wir Wohnungsbaudarlehen über ein renommiertes Finanzhaus an.
Dejan Dejanović
Voditelj ureda
Mob: 095 829 1188
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