Dodano: 11 prosinca 2023

Pregledi: 453

Object ID: 436940

Odabrano: 0

300 m²
6700 m²
Broj soba
300 m²
Površina zemljišta u m2
Godina izgradnje
ID oglasa u agenciji
  • Hrvatski
  • Engleski
  • Njemački
  • Ruski
  • Talijanski
Molimo zvati na broj mob: 098-195 34 63.

Na prostranom terenu sa maslinikom od 4900m2 i 1400 m2 ostalih autothonih kultura započeta je izgradnja stambeno-gospodarske građevine. Teren je smješten iznad mjesta Marina čijoj katastarskoj općini pripada, odakle se pruža prekrasan pogled na more i okoliš.
Objekat je otvorenog načina gradnje, projektiran kao sklop tri volumena orijentirana na zajednički vanjski prostor.
Centralni dio sklopa je stambene namjene s 1 stanom, na dvije etaže, a istočni i zapadni dio su prizemnice gospodarske namjene.
Istočni dio-gospodarske namjene, sadrži spremište, hodnik garderobu i sanitarije, te je pergolom povezan sa stambenim dijelom. Zapadni dio-gospodarske namjene sadrži spremište, i prostor za garažiranje poljoprivrednih strojeva.
Ukupna građevinska bruto površina stambeno–gospodarske građevine je 299,50 m² .
Objekat se može koristiti i za turističke svrhe. Napravljen je i projekat za bazen koji bi se mogao konstruirati na njegovoj južnoj strani.

Objekat je smješten na sjevernom dijelu parcele, a na njenom većem dijelu , južno i istočno od stambeno-gospodarske građevine, trenutno se nalaze trajni nasadi 70- tak maslina, a ima dovoljno prostora za dodatne nasade maslina i ostalih kultura.

Do terena se dolazi automobilskim pristupnim putem.
Objekat posjeduje građevinsku dozvolu i svu ostalu potrebnu dokumentaciju, te su do njega dovedeni priključci struje i vode.Podmirene su sve komunalne naknade prema općini Marina.

Osigurana sva pravna, logistička i stručna usluga.

Ostale informacije na upit:mob: +385 98 195 3463
Please call the mobile number: 098-195 34 63.
Thank you.

On a spacious plot with an olive grove of 4,900 m2 and 1,400 m2 of other autochthonous crops, the construction of a residential and commercial building has begun. The terrain is located above the town of Marina, whose cadastral municipality it belongs to, from where there is a wonderful view of the sea and the environment.
The object is of an open construction style, designed as a set of three volumes oriented to a common outdoor space.
The central part of the complex is for residential purposes with 1 apartment, on two floors, and the eastern and western parts are single-story commercial buildings.
The eastern part - for economic purposes, contains a storage room, a hallway, a wardrobe and sanitary facilities, and is connected to the residential part by a pergola. The western part - for economic purposes - contains a storage room and a space for garages for agricultural machinery.
The total gross construction area of ​​the residential-commercial building is 299.50 m².
The facility can also be used for tourist purposes. A project for a swimming pool that could be constructed on its southern side was also made.

The facility is located on the northern part of the plot, and on its larger part, south and east of the residential and commercial building, there are currently about 70 permanent olive groves, and there is enough space for additional olive groves and other crops.

The field is reached by a car access road.
The building has a building permit and all other necessary documentation, and electricity and water connections have been brought to it. All utility fees according to the municipality of Marina have been paid.

All legal, logistical and professional services are provided.

Other information on request: mobile: +385 98 195 3463
Thank you.

Šifra objekta: iro-3537

Kontakt: SplitKvadar,


Kuća, 300m², Zemljište 6700m²


700 000 € ~ 5 250 000 Kn | 2 333 €/m² | 17 500 Kn/m²
Prikazati telefon 385 ••• ••• •• •• +385 914 665 51 1 Poziv