Dodano: 05 listopada 2024

Pregledi: 112

Object ID: 448086

Odabrano: 0

64 m²
64 m²
Energetski razred
ID oglasa u agenciji
  • Hrvatski
  • Engleski
  • Njemački
  • Ruski
  • Talijanski
Poslovni prostor se nalazi u novijoj reprezentativnoj poslovnoj zgradi uz jednu od glavnih gradskih prometnica. Zgrada je dobro povezana sa ulazima tj izlazima iz grada ali isto tako i sa centrom.

Poslovni prostor je ukupne veličine 64,10 m2 i sastoji se od dva susjedna ureda od 46,40 m2 i 17,70 m2.
Uredski prostor ima sustav klimatizacije i ventilacije. Instaliran je sustav vatrodojave. Provedene su instalacije za priključak ureda na videonadzor. Podovi su obloženi u parket. Kroz podove su provedeni mrežni kabeli, te naponski kabeli. Svako radno mjesto ima priključak za kompjuter, IP telefon te dva priključka za struju.
Svi prostori oko zgrade i unutar zgrade (osim predmetnog ureda) su pod video nadzorom. Kontrola pristupa je riješena digitalnim ključevima. Svi mrežni kabeli se usmjeravaju u RACK ormar, a koji je spojen sa server sobom u prizemlju. U server sobi su dovedene optike od HT, A1, Optime Telekom i, te je na korisniku da odabere providera s kojim potpisuje Ugovor.
Prostor je u potpunosti uređen te ne zahtjeva dodatna ulaganja.
Zakupom uredskog prostora Zakupnik dobiva pravo korištenja i zajedničkih prostorija poslovne zgrade a to su: kuhinja s dnevnim boravkom (47,20 m2), ventilirana zatvorena pušačka zona (2,5 m2), sanitarni čvor (muški i ženski odvojeno, sa ukupno 8 kabina) (44,60 m2), terasa (166,80 m2), prostor za odmor (stolni tenis, stolni nogomet, društvene igre...)(10 m2).

Mogućnost dodatnog zakupa: parkirno mjesto 125,00 EUR
garažno mjesto 175,00 EUR
brandiranje zgrade 500,00 EUR

* Sve cijene u oglasu su izražene na mjesečnoj bazi te se na njih obračunava PDV
* U cijene nije uključen trošak struje i komunalne naknade
* U cijene ureda je uključen trošak vode te trošak čišćenja ureda i zajedničkih prostorija

Agencijska provizija se obračunava u skladu s Općim uvjetima poslovanja i cjeniku objavljenima na
Za više informacija obratite se našem agentu na 091/466-1500.
Vaše Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.
The office space is located in a newer, representative office building next to one of the city's main thoroughfares. The building is well connected to the entrances and exits of the city, but also to the center.

The office space has a total size of 64.10 m2 and consists of two adjacent offices of 46.40 m2 and 17.70 m2.
The office space has an air conditioning and ventilation system. A fire alarm system has been installed. Installations for connecting the office to video surveillance have been carried out. The floors are covered with parquet. Network cables and voltage cables were routed through the floors. Each workplace has a connection for a computer, an IP phone and two electricity connections.
All areas around the building and inside the building (except the office in question) are under video surveillance. Access control is solved with digital keys. All network cables are routed to the RACK cabinet, which is connected to the server room on the ground floor. Optics from HT, A1, Optime Telekom and are brought to the server room, and it is up to the user to choose the provider with which he signs the Contract.
The space is fully furnished and does not require additional investments.
By leasing office space, the Tenant also gets the right to use the common premises of the office building, namely: kitchen with living room (47.20 m2), ventilated closed smoking area (2.5 m2), sanitary facilities (men's and women's separately, with a total of 8 cabins ) (44.60 m2), terrace (166.80 m2), recreation area (table tennis, table football, board games...)(10 m2).

Possibility of additional lease: parking space EUR 125.00
garage space EUR 175.00
building branding EUR 500.00

* All prices in the ad are expressed on a monthly basis and include VAT
* Prices do not include the cost of electricity and utility fees
* Office prices include the cost of water and the cost of cleaning the office and common areas

The agency commission is calculated in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions and the price list published at
For more information, contact our agent at 091/466-1500.
Your Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.


Ana Baras
Suradnik u procesu obuke
Mob: +385 91 466 1500
Tel: +385 21 587 441


U blizini ima

Tip Naziv Adresa Udaljenost
  Bolnica Stomatološka Ordinacija Dr. Brano Tot Ul. Ruđera Boškovića 7, Split 237
  Bolnica Poliklinika Endimet Poljička cesta 28 a, Split 243
  Zabava Amfiteatar@School Of Medicine Zajceva, Split 244
  Škola University of Split, School of Medicine Šoltanska ul. 2, Split 251
  Škola Zdravstvena škola Šoltanska 15, Split 263
  Bolnica Endimet Poljička cesta 28a, Split 267
  Bolnica Dermamed Poljička cesta 28B, Split 274
  Bolnica Endokrinološko-Dijabetološka Ambulanta Šoltanska ul. 3, Split 324
  Park Park Blatine Ul. Antuna Branka Šimića 70, Split 357
  Bolnica Dentech - Dental Centar Poljička cesta 26 a, Split 362

64m², Ured, 1 Kat

Splitsko-dalmatinska, Split, Trstenik

2 000 € ~ 15 000 Kn / mjesec
Prikazati telefon 385 ••• ••• •• •• +385 986 760 09 _ Poziv